Friday, June 18, 2010

Are you a doctor?

I have a medical condition.It has no name.Yet.
The problem is I have a lot of thoughts camping around my idle brain.As a result, i keep wandering from one nice train of thoughts to another, without sitting down anywhere.The result is that hours pass by and my 'to-do' list keeps accumulating, (which gives me guilt trips every now and then)but my mind keeps loitering.
My mother says its hereditary.She also shoots a scathing look at my father, who she is pissed with because he is watching the world cup when she wanted to watch one of those regressive hindi soaps, which are so tedious that their names have to be long phrases.(Sigh, my parents use my illness as a one-upmanship tool).
She also says a good spanking was a good remedy when i was a kid,but i have grown too old for that.
Needless to say, without adequate attention, my condition has aggravated to the point where it has become an alternate world.
Let me elaborate.
Recently i have come across a spate of blog-posts on the well-rehearsed topic of social networking-its propensity for false identities and accumulation of previously unimagined junk(Have you seen the latest facebook app?).Most of the people i have asked are confused about what is really the deal with online-avatars and stuff.What is the parallel universe of online-existence? The freedom of personal space? The modern application of "georgesque" buffer space to all acquaintances (and not just parents, what? you havent watched seinfeld? what are you doing here?)? Dont get me wrong, i head that list of the disillusioned, who get fooled into clicking every facebook notification and re-tweeting everything we pseudo-like.But i am digressing...

The THING is, people are disconcerted about the splurge of social-media on the online scene(if only in the closet), because of the uncomfortable squeaky new untested feel of the virtual world- just that they dont say anything for the fear of being branded dinosaurs(or WTTHFU) .
And my problem is- there is the 'real' world of world cups and balika badhus, there is the virtual world of buzz and tweets and there is this EXTRA world i dwell in, in which i ski the alps, climb the qutab, visit my dead grandparents at their new scientology ashram in california.I am not confused, i am mega-confused.. and that is just the symptoms of my affliction.

Have you ever had the feeling that you are floating in a sea of standing water, (that is the chinese way of saying things-temple of unending peace,sword of eternal sharpness,blog of infitely long bullshit) and random thoughts and images bombard you like a blitzkrieg gone silly?I live like that, every single waking moment of my life.And you know what sucks?

No one can ever know what it feels like, because Every time i sit down to write about it in my blog, it all comes out wrong.

N.B: It must be some disease from the future,travelling back in time, so it is hereditary - from my descendants to me. Thank you mom.

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