Thursday, August 28, 2008


It is only human to wonder how unfair it is that some people are just the life of the party...and you are mostly like the appendix(sorry)...there but nobody knows why.

Why’s can be so irritating.why sometimes you are mad at something or someone and then you have to apologise.why the deadline always have to come closer.why the BIG meeting always overlaps the BIG date.or why the girl you like doesn’t believe in relationships.why the toast always lands buttered side down?oh i don’t want to even get into that...

The life of the party says that relationships are not really rocket science,but he doesn’t know does he?that they are pretty much like the football to Neanderthals like you(yes you read that right).The football minus even the other connotations the word provides.What is there in a relationship?

Not two people with each other(boy, thats like what they teach you in relationship kindergarten)...It is like a medieval jousting competition (at least in the beginning).You bump into each other,Get to know each other, you start to like each other, (this is where i drop the second person), and then i keep wondering...why?Why do i have to ruin all this practically perfect setting by wondering(apart from the why at the beginning of this thought) if it could be something else.

On a less sissier front, why bitch?- this is not the title of the latest sadomasochistic thriller by Hung Lo- but a exasperating thought that comes out of days and ights and pondering minutes listening to people bitch about each other, you know the way, oh thats great man((oh boy, doesn’t his tie suck!!))Not a tie no...i can give you better than this.but that’d be bitching as well!!i can bitching help some person overcome his/her hatred or dislike of another’s activities??and if it doesn’t and it doesn’t help him/her know what things irritate(ohk ill give you, playing dirty politics during CR elections), then what’s the point?AND WHY TELL MOI!! Do i look like some kind of bitcher’s pitcher(sorry)

i know it feels good to bitch about someone- get it out of your system...but "how much do you do it da?" It feels good to be cheap...but i think it is still good to talk to the actual person(and a lot quieter) keeps the feeling from maturing into hatred(i dont believe im saying this)...

Dear second person, there is no point talking about relationships that are past.and future relationships can be such a pain.and wait, there is no present, this is the opportune moment for another of those delightful WHY’s. Because i believe, Things can always be set right, but the glue has to be perfect.And the glue can only come out of a non-negotiable value system.

You cannot wake up one morning and find yourself with the best wife, the hottest girlfriend(OR implied in some cases), the best best buddy, the coolest office colleague. Hell, you can’t even have a beatific room-mate.When it comes to bonding, you kind of have to rely on instincts.What say?

You are Neanderthal , remember?

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