Saturday, June 21, 2008


PenElope is not a name. It is an idea.Or rather...a rare medical syndrome...rather very much like that GrammarSticklers' Syndrome( courtesy - Lynn Truss).
PenElopers deal with loads of seemingly antisocial symptoms...

1>Disdain fr people
Who do not pronounce things correctly.
Who show an uncivilised disregard for etiquette.
Who are "cheap" in general.
Who are incorrigible.

2>Who have the tendency to slip into fascinating daydreams...every now and when an exam is going on...or when some lecturer is delivering some important lecture...or when you have an exam the next day and you are supposed to be studying...trivial things like these...

3>Who have a love affair with writing...and all forms of well-delivered literature...

hence the term...Pen Elopers...

Given a chance..they would love to elope with the pen some carribean paradise...where words will dance and punctuations play the music and the golden sun will spice up endless evenings of romantic writing...are you one of them...???